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Julie Nicoletta, Fleischmann Planetarium at the University of Nevada, Reno.
The Society of Architectural Historians has created two online editions of its award-winning book series, Buildings of the United States, the only encyclopedic publication series that documents and interprets the architecture of the entire United States. The online editions integrate the text, photographs, maps, sidebars, essays, and glossaries from eleven of the printed BUS volumes into two resources: SAH Archipedia, a large-scale, multi-media, web-based subscription resource for architects, historic preservationists, and a wide variety of researchers in the humanities; and SAH Archipedia: Classic Buildings, a smaller, web-based, open-access resource for the general public. Now that the SAH Archipedia sites have launched, SAH will continue to add new content and will solicit articles that use the resources to analyze and interpret American architecture in innovative ways. Our publishing partner is University of Virginia Press's online imprint, Rotunda. Lead funding partner for the project is the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH).
Gabrielle Esperdy, who holds a PhD in art history from the City University of New York, is an associate professor at the New Jersey Institute of Technology's School of Architecture. Esperdy is editor of the SAH Archipedia project and provides an overall vision for the publication's two editions. Among Esperdy's other publications are Modernizing Main Street: Architecture and Consumer Culture in the New Deal (2008); "Mapping Identity from Space to Digits," in Design Inquiry; and "I am a Modernist: Morris Lapidus and his Critics" in the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (December 2007).
Karen Kingsley, professor emerita at Tulane University, has managed the Society's Buildings of the United States (BUS) project since 2005, has overseen production of a dozen BUS volumes, and has contributed to the launch the SAH Archipedia. Kingsley has published extensively on American architecture including Buildings of Louisiana (2003); "New Orleans Architecture: Building Renewal," in the Journal of American History (December 2007); and "Designing for Women: The Architecture of Newcomb College," in Louisiana History (Spring 1994).
Pauline Saliga holds a master's degree from the University of Michigan and has managed four online projects for the Society of Architectural Historians, including SAHARA, an online archive of architectural images for teaching and research (2009); an online multimedia edition of the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (2010); SAH Communities, a free web 2.0 site for networking, discussions, and blogs (2011); and SAH Archipedia, an online encyclopedia of American architecture. Previously, she was an associate curator of architecture at the Art Institute of Chicago, where she oversaw dozens of exhibitions and publications including Chicago Architects Design; Bruce Goff: Design for the Continuous Present; and The Sky's the Limit: A Century of Chicago Skyscrapers.
The Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) is the leading international, not-for-profit organization that promotes the study, interpretation, and preservation of architecture worldwide. Founded at Harvard University in 1940, the SAH organizes annual scholarly meetings and seminars; produces JSAH, the journal of record for the field of architectural history; and publishes the Buildings of the United States series. In recent years, the SAH has taken a leadership role in the digital humanities and has initiated several new online resources including SAHARA (a shared online image archive), JSAH Online (a multimedia architectural journal), SAH Communities (a web 2.0 networking site for people interested in architecture), and SAH Archipedia (an online encyclopedia of American architecture). SAH membership is open to all who share an interest in architecture. To learn more about the SAH, go to http://
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