Log: Observations on Architecture and the Contemporary City, Issues 36, 37, and 38Cynthia Davidson
EditorAnyone Corporation, 2016 -
Anyone CorporationGRANT YEAR
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Michael Najjar, v.l.t., 2014. Courtesy of the artist. With special thanks to the European Southern Observatory. Postcard image from Log 32.
Log, the premiere journal of writing on architecture and the contemporary city in the United States, presents criticism and commentary in a literary format that resists the dominance of the image in architecture media, while identifying and elaborating the central concerns of architectural thinking and production today. A compendium of critical essays, interviews, and brief "observations," Log provides an ongoing international platform for the exchange of ideas—both bearing on and emanating from architecture and the city—among architects, designers, planners, scholars, artists, and others interested in architecture. The first issue of 2016 will be guest-edited by Greg Lynn on robots and buildings that move.
Cynthia Davidson, executive director of the Anyone Corporation, is the founding editor of Log and former editor of Inland Architect Magazine (Chicago) and ANY magazine (New York), as well as editor of the Writing Architecture series of books, published by the MIT Press, and a writer herself. Additionally, over the past thirty years she has organized some twenty international conferences, most recently In Pursuit of Architecture at the Museum of Modern Art, and edited over forty books. In 2014, Davidson was awarded an Arts and Letters Award in Architecture from the American Academy of Arts and Letters for her work in architectural books and magazines. She is also cocurator of the US Pavilion exhibition, The Architectural Imagination, for the 2016 Venice Architecture Biennale.
The Log "protagonists," or editorial board, are Tina Di Carlo, an architectural curator and writer based in London and Oslo; Todd Gannon, an architect, writer, curator, and professor at SCI-Arc in LA; Catherine Ingraham, professor of architecture at Pratt Institute and a writer and critic in New York; Manuel Orazi, an architecture editor and professor of architecture theory at Ascoli Piceno, Italy; Julie Rose, a translator of French and writer based in Sydney; and Sarah Whiting, dean of the Rice University School of Architecture and an architect, writer, and critic based in Houston. Log managing editor Chelsea Spencer, who joined Log in 2014, is originally from Atlanta and recently graduated from Harvard’s GSD with a master’s degree in design studies.
Anyone Corporation, founded in 1990, is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the knowledge and understanding of architecture and its relationships to the general culture through international conferences, public seminars, and publications that erode boundaries between disciplines and cultures.
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