Log: Observations on Architecture and the Contemporary City, Issues 41, 42, and 43Cynthia Davidson
EditorAnyone Corporation, 2017 -
Anyone CorporationGRANT YEAR
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Dominique Robin, Etudiants à Conakry, 2008–10. Photo courtesy Dominique Robin. From Hana Gründler, "Borderline Experiences: Ethics, Art, and Alterity," Log 40.
Log, the internationally renowned journal of writing on architecture and the contemporary city in the United States, publishes criticism and commentary in a literary format that allows for a meaningful discussion of the central concerns of architectural thinking and practice today. A collection of critical essays, interviews, and brief observations on current events, Log provides an ongoing platform for the exchange of ideas among architects, designers, planners, scholars, artists, and others, who are interested in architecture and its many roles in contemporary culture. Published three times a year, "open" issues are punctuated by occasional thematic issues led by guest editors who have a particular expertise on a timely topic.
Cynthia Davidson, executive director of the Anyone Corporation, is the founding editor of Log (2003) and the former editor of Inland Architect (Chicago, 1983–90) and ANY magazine (New York, 1993–2000), as well as editor of the Writing Architecture Series books, published with MIT Press, and a writer herself. Since 1991, she has organized some 20 international multidisciplinary conferences on architecture and edited some 40 books. In 2014, Davidson received an Arts and Letters Award in Architecture from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, and in 2015–16, co-curated The Architectural Imagination exhibition for the US Pavilion at the 2016 Venice International Architecture Biennale. Presently she is also managing travel of that exhibition within the United States.
Anyone Corporation was founded in 1990 to advance the knowledge and understanding of architecture and its relationships to the general culture through conferences, public seminars, exhibitions, and publications.
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